Natura Health Chiropractic - Solo
Layanan terbaru kami di tahun 2020
August, 10 2020
Layanan terbaru kami di tahun 2020
Halo Natura Family,   Saat ini di Natura Health sudah tersedia terapi untuk khusus untuk kaki. Teknik compression leg menggunakan alat Recovery sangat nyaman untuk memperbaiki aliran darah pada kaki, juga merelaksasi otot kaki. Compression therapy…
September, 16 2013
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Pernahkah Anda terbangun dan kaki terasa kaku dan sangat nyeri? Kondisi ini bisa jadi kram betis yang sering muncul saat Anda tidur.
November, 04 2013
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Everyone's spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. Some people have spines that also curve…
August, 17 2013
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Chiropractic mobilization can create immediate, measurable improvements in spinal function for patients with lower back pain, a new study suggests. Spinal mobilization…
June, 06 2013
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The problem of children and adolescents with low-back pain (LBP) is important among pediatric and chiropractic professionals. The prevalence of young people with…
August, 13 2013
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Jangan pernah remehkan kondisi kesehatan yang tampak biasa dan sering dialami oleh banyak orang lain.
September, 13 2013
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Everyone's spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. Some people have spines that also curve…