Natura Health Chiropractic - Solo
October, 25 2013
6 Gangguan Kesehatan yang Tampak 'Biasa' Tapi Tak Boleh Diabaikan

Everyone's spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. Some people have spines that also curve from side to side.

August, 10 2020
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Halo Natura Family,   Saat ini di Natura Health sudah tersedia terapi untuk khusus untuk kaki. Teknik compression leg menggunakan alat Recovery sangat…
May, 21 2014
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Setiap hari duduk di kantor akan menyebabkan punggung sering kali terasa sakit. Rasa sakit ini bisa berlangsung lama hingga berminggu-minggu atau berbulan-bulan.…
May, 12 2014
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Neuro Impulse Seminar Newcastle, NSW 2014 run by KiroKid.  With Dr Tinah, Dr Neil Davies and Dr Rebecca.  
November, 12 2013
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Taking cholesterol-lowering statins could increase your risk of musculoskeletal disorders and joint diseases, new research suggests. Statins…
October, 25 2013
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Everyone's spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. Some people have spines that…
November, 07 2013
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Pada saat akan memulai suatu aktifitas olahraga, stretching (peregangan) atau lebih dikenal orang dengan istilah pemanasan (warm-up) sangat diperlukan.…
September, 16 2013
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Pernahkah Anda terbangun dan kaki terasa kaku dan sangat nyeri? Kondisi ini bisa jadi kram betis yang sering muncul saat Anda tidur.
November, 04 2013
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Everyone's spine has natural curves. These curves round our shoulders and make our lower back curve slightly inward. Some people have spines that…
August, 17 2013
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Chiropractic mobilization can create immediate, measurable improvements in spinal function for patients with lower back pain, a new study suggests. Spinal…